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past events

Encircling Grace

encircling grace

slow down to let your soul catch up

and discover how Grace encircles you

How quickly time flies and we are nearing the end of the year when it seems we had but barely begun it.

It is a good time to pause and take stock of our inner life, the journey we are making, the persons we are becoming.

How do you find yourself today - in your relationship with your body, mind and spirit? 

How are the relationships you have with the different people in your life?

And where is God?

Join us for a time of pause, to let God speak love and truth into our lives, show us the journey we have made this year, and the grace that ever encircles us... grace that we easily overlook especially when the nights have been very dark and the struggles have been intense.

Let the beauty of nature, the solace of silence, the grounding of the labyrinth and the gentleness of somatic practices open a space for you to encounter God, however you have come to recognise the Divine Mystery.

Event Details


2 November 2024 (Saturday)


7.30 a.m. - 11.30 a.m.


Lifesprings Canossian Spirituality Centre

100, Jln Merbok

S 598454

Cost:       $150.00 per pax*

Capacity: 12 pax

*If you are unable to attend the event after you have booked 

  and paid for it, you may choose to
  EITHER transfer the booking 
  OR receive 50% refund up to 10 days before the event date;

  no refunds thereafter.

  Thank you for your kind understanding.



befriend the body. enlighten the mind. anchor the spirit.

An experiential and reflective course to help you come back
into connection with all you are

Experience. Understand. Reflect. Integrate.

For many of us, life is lived at head level - we plan, organise, troubleshoot, schedule and multi-task to do life (doesn't it sound like a prison sentence?). It is easy to forget that the body is more than just a handy container to carry the brain around. And let's not even talk about matters of the Spirit, the Essence that flows in each human being, connecting us to every creature on earth and unites us with the entire unfolding cosmos. Our vision rarely extends that far.

It's time to get to know who we are - first in our flesh and blood reality - our bodies.

It's time to appreciate how fiercely and magnificently our bodies have been created.

It's time we acknowledge our soma, this wondrous interrelationship of the nervous system, thoughts, emotions, felt sensations, and the legacy of the whole range of the human experience as it lives in each unique body. It's time we take a first step towards a more embodied spirituality that truly affirms that all that God created is indeed good, and very good.

Drawing from the science of neurobiology and the work of Stephen Porges and Deb Dana on Polyvagal Theory, this one-day course will incorporate guided somatic practices and spiritual reflection for a more holistic and embodied learning. The group size is kept intimate to facilitate safe sharing and a more personal experience.


Befriend the Body

Through guided somatic practices,

begin to

  • appreciate the power and complexity of the soma, so much more than the word "body" encapsulates

  • discover the language of your own soma and nervous system

  • learn movements and practices that can help you regulate downwards when you are in a state of overwhelm, or upwards when you are in a depressed state.


Enlighten the Mind

Through didactic teaching and with time for Q&A to better understand

  • how your nervous system is designed to keep you safe and to survive

  • nervous system states and how we move form state to state

  • the mental narratives that run depending on the state you are in


Anchor the Spirit

Through prayer, reflection, time in nature or on the labyrinth, and facilitated sharing

  • begin to weave together the human experience of being with psychological understanding and the gift of the Spirit

  • anchor in the Divine who is infinite Love, who created us and sustains us in love, and who is unconditionally and eternally for us, not against us.

Event Information

5th October 2024


9.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.

Lifesprings Canossian Spirituality Centre

100, Jln Merbok,


$ 400.00

Price includes 

  • lunch

  • handouts

  • materials for reflection

Please note:

  • THIS DAY COURSE IS NOW FULLY SUBSCRIBED. If you would like to be notified if a spot becomes available, please put your name on this waitlist.

  • If you are unable to attend the course after you have booked and paid for it, you may choose to
    EITHER transfer the booking
    OR receive 50% refund up to 14 days before the course date; no refunds thereafter.

  • Thank you for your kind understanding.

rest. reclaim. restore.

rest. reclaim. restore.

a series of half-day retreats

incorporating the labyrinth & somatic practices 

Image by Jan Kohl

In the struggle of daily living, seeing to the needs of the family, attending to the demands of work and commitments to the different communities we are each part of, it is easy to lose sight of the unique, complex gift we are. Parts of us can get shut down, or be made to 'behave', to contort or disguise themselves just so that we may be accepted, can experience a sense of belonging and so survive in the family, school, work place, church, friendship group, institution or the country we reside in.

The season of Easter calls us specifically to "proclaim good news to the poor...

to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives

and release from darkness for the prisoners" (Is 61:1)

What of the poor, down-trodden parts within us that we habitually squash, beat up on and deprive?

What of the grieving, sorrowing parts within to which we tend to say, "Get over yourself already!"

What of the true Self within us that doesn't see the light of day because we are simply too afraid that it may be found unacceptable, unworthy, unlovable?

If this resonates with you, join us over 3 Saturday mornings from May to July 

to rest from the struggle of the day-to-day,

to begin to explore gentler ways of being with the parts of us that we struggle with,

are ashamed of or just plain don't like,

and so to allow God, however you know the Source of all being,

to restore you to the fullness of the gift you are.


4 May 2024

8 June 2024

20 July 2024


7.30 - 11.30 a.m.


Canossian Lifesprings

Spirituality Centre

100, Jln Merbok

S 598454


Journey [$330]

3 sessions @ $110/session

Twin [$250]

any 2 sessions @ $125/session

Taster [$150]

any 1 session @ $150/session

* Each retreat is limited to 12 pax. Once a retreat is fully subscribed, you are welcome to put your name on the waitlist and you will be contacted should a space become available.

Cancellation policy:

If you are unable to attend a session you have booked and paid for, you may choose to EITHER transfer the booking

OR receive 50% refund per session cancelled up to 10 days before the retreat date; no refunds thereafter.

Who do you say
             I am?

In the interior journey, we pay attention to matters of identity, authenticity and congruence. We are constantly being invited to (re-)discover, (re-)claim and live into our core identity and our place in relation to God (however we know the Divine), others and all of creation at ever deepening levels.

Who are you?

What do you hear God say you are?

How does what you hear land in your spirit?

I invite you to come for one or both half-day retreats in February and March to open a space within to listen deeply and anchor in your God-given identity amidst all that is distressing, confusing and overwhelming in the world and in our lives today. You will have the option of walking the labyrinth, using art and/or engaging in somatic practice to support your prayer.


Beginning with Beloved

17 February 2024


Using Jan Richardson's poem of the same title as a springboard, 

we take time to reflect on

where we are in the journey of intimacy and union with God, ourselves and all of creation.

Beloved is what we return to again and again until we realise its truth in every fibre of our being.

What flows from this place is life.

Half-day Labyrinth Retreats FebMar2024_e

Listening to the Heartbeat of God

16 March 2024


Common to Hebrew Rabbinic teaching, Celtic spirituality and mystics like Teilhard de Chardin and Meister Eckhart is the primacy of listening for the heartbeat of God in daily life. Where is God speaking to you today? How is God’s heart meeting yours? What is the ache and the longing inside you that never seems to go away? 


Lifesprings Canossian Spirituality Centre

100 Jalan Merbok



07.30a.m. - 11.30 a.m.


Max 12 pax per Retreat


Twin Bundle [$250.00]

2 Retreats @ $125/session

Single Session [$150.00]

Thank you for your interest. This retreat is at present fully subscribed. Please leave your contact details here and we will contact you should a spot become available.

Cancellation policy:

If you are unable to attend a session you have booked and paid for, you may choose to EITHER transfer the booking

OR receive 50% refund per session cancelled up to 10 days before the date; no refunds thereafter.

Journey into Wholeness

Journey into Wholeness

days of restoration

"When one is at home in oneself, one is integrated and enjoys a sense of balance and poise.

In a sense that is exactly what spirituality is: the art of homecoming."

John O’Donohue

It is easy to forget that what most truly defines each of us is unseen, intangible, spiritual. Yet, have you noticed how when you stop paying attention to the physical body, the feeling and sensing self, you slowly lose sight of who you truly are and become estranged from yourself, others and God? It's all connected - body, mind and spirit. All that you are matters.

What we need is practice. A simple, do-able way to regularly come back to the all that we are, our place in creation and our relationship with the Divine, however we know That which is greater than we are.

One Saturday each month from August - October, come together with a small group of fellow sojourners to taste and see how Beauty, Goodness and Truth can lead us home to ourselves and practise re-attuning to the heartbeat of God, the Source and Ground of all being. Receive the gifts of the labyrinth and simple somatic practices and weave them into your daily practice to nourish your interior life and sustain your ongoing spiritual journey. Let's make the journey home to wholeness... another name for holiness.



"...whoever sneers at [beauty]... can no longer pray and soon will no longer be able to love."

- Hans urs von Balthasar

See anew the beauty that surrounds you, let it open you up to the beauty within you and lead you to the heart of the Author of Beauty and of Life.

19 August 2023



"It takes courage for a person to listen to his own goodness and act on it."

- Pablo Casals

Hold with compassion your self-criticism, self-judgment and self-blame and honour the unique, innate goodness that is ever and always the hallmark of your being.

23 September 2023



"The most common form of despair is not being who you are."
- Søren Kierkegaard

Beyond the masks you wear and the roles you play to keep yourself safe and secure, who is the 'you' within that is longing to come into the light? 

28 October 2023


Lifesprings Canossian Spirituality Centre

100 Jalan Merbok



07.30a.m. - 11.30 a.m.


Max 12 pax per Day of Restoration


Journey Package [$330.00]

3 Days @ $110/session 

Twin Bundle [$250.00]

Choice of any 2 Days @ $125/session

Taster Session [$150.00]

Choice of 1 Day @ $150/session

Cancellation policy:

If you are unable to attend a session, you may choose to EITHER transfer the booking

OR receive 50% refund per session cancelled up to 10 days before the date; no refunds thereafter.

Bridge Over a Lake


Soul Spa

It's time to rest...

SOUL SPA is a specially curated 24-hr retreat to facilitate rest and recharge through delighting your senses, calming your mind, feeding your soul and grounding your body.

Soak in the beauty of nature that surrounds you

Walk the labyrinth under the stars until daybreak

Let your inner child be inspired to play with the materials you will be given access to

All this and more as you are held in gentle, hospitable silence and experience the quiet company of a small group of fellow retreatants.

You will be surprised at how even just 24 hrs of gently facilitated silence can give you a deeply restorative experience of rest.

water lilies.jpg

Give yourself the gift of


to pause and choose from a range of soul-nourishing options to








to open to and soak in the love of God through various sensory, non-verbal and facilitated experiences.


to reconnect with the original blessing you are and the God who calls you Beloved.


What retreatants say about Soul Spa...

"I love the safe space and hospitality. I felt so safe and restful, I did not check my phone for 24 hours"  - LL

"Wonderful experience…. Peaceful .. had a lot of quiet time." - MM

"What contributed to my experience of rest and restoration... Having a dedicated & facilitated space and time for God to come in... insights received about my current mode of living from activities and conversation with Edwina... learning to be in touch with body, mind, spirit... being close to nature and a slower way of living - the well tended garden was rejuvenating."

- BL

"The best thing about Soul Spa...Free and easy and being allowed/given permission to play and have a variety of things to choose from!" - CT

"Was reminded in many unexpected ways that He is a God who gives and not withholds and that He fulfills my desires."

- RT

"Everything was such a delight. The opening session was really good as it set the tone for the rest of the retreat, reminding me to be more intentional with all the embodied things I would do for the rest of the 24h, and to live out this breathing, moving, incarnational life" - MAL


28 - 29 July 2023

(Friday - Saturday)

4pm - 4pm


Lifesprings Canossian Spirituality Centre

100, Jln Merbok

Singapore 598454


$485 per pax* **

limited to 8 pax

*    Booking is only confirmed upon payment made and is transferrable.

**  Price includes

  • one night's accommodation at Lifesprings Spirituality Centre

  • three main meals & light refreshments

  • specially curated treats for body & soul to facilitate deep rest.


Cancellation policy:

Transfer the booking

OR receive 50% refund for cancellations up to 10 days before event;
no refunds thereafter.

OR attend the next available Soul Spa.

"It takes courage to say yes to rest and play, in a culture where exhaustion is seen as
a status symbol."

- Brené Brown​ -


6 MAY 2023



624 Upper Bukit Timah Rd,

Singapore 678212



07.30 a.m.

09.00 a.m.

10.30 a.m.

We regret that we are only able to offer 3 instead of 4 walks as previously advertised due to circumstances beyond our control.

We thank you for your understanding.

WLD2023 Logo.jpg
World Labyrinth Day

World Labyrinth Day is an annual international event initiated by The Labyrinth Society, a U.S.-based non-profit organisation.


Every year on the first Saturday in May thousands of people around the world participate in this moving meditation for world peace and in celebration of the labyrinth experience. The first World Labyrinth Day was celebrated in 2009 and included events in New Zealand, Hong Kong, the United States, and many other locations. 

This year, we in Singapore will have the opportunity to be part of this peace movement as Anam Cara Ministries gladly partners with Montfort Centre to host this event. The Montfortian Family celebrates the 350th anniversary of the birth of St Louis Marie de Montfort, who had himself encountered the labyrinth on his pilgrimage to Chartres Cathedral.


On 6th May 2023 there will be 3 one-hour time slots you may choose from. Check out this presentation for an introduction to the labyrinth and a sneak preview of the event. You will also receive more information closer to the event date.


Everyone who seeks peace is welcome, regardless of belief or religion. Let's come together and make our own contribution to the rolling wave of meditation and prayer for peace that will be happening all over the world on this day. 


Spread the word and let's walk, pray and meditate for peace in our world,

peace in our places of worship,

peace in our communities,

peace in our families

peace in our souls.

Let's walk together for


$30 per pax

*  Please note that while the registration fee

is non-refundable, the booking is transferable so someone else can take your place should you be unable to make the event.

Mountains Meet Lake


Soul Spa

It's time to rest...

SOUL SPA is a specially curated 24-hr retreat to facilitate rest and recharge through delighting your senses, calming your mind, feeding your soul and grounding your body.

Soak in the beauty of nature that surrounds you

Walk the labyrinth under the stars until daybreak

Let your inner child be inspired to play with the materials you will be given access to

All this and more as you are held in gentle, hospitable silence and experience the quiet company of a small group of fellow retreatants.

You will be surprised at how even just 24 hrs of gently facilitated silence can give you a deeply restorative experience of rest.


Give yourself the gift of


to pause and choose from a range of soul-nourishing options to








to open to and soak in the love of God through various sensory, non-verbal and facilitated experiences.


to reconnect with the original blessing you are and the God who calls you Beloved.

What retreatants say about Soul Spa...

"It was like a blank canvas for God and I to collaborate on... I appreciated the balance between freedom and structure. My little child liked the freedom of going wherever we liked, and my planner was grateful that there were some boundaries of time and space to work with. The whole experience was like a little capsule of fresh air, small but life-giving!"  - MC

"I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t want to do. Soul Spa reminded me that I was worthy of care."  -AQ

"Soul Spa was the most nourishing experience I have ever had in a retreat! Everything in the retreat was thoughtfully and prayerfully laid out... little things that inspired curiosity and play... things that nourished the senses... The experience was a real delight, and a gentle pause to allow God to speak to me powerfully in the silence and through all my embodied movements, allowing me to take steps closer to living out freely this incarnational life!"  - MAL

"I found myself burnt out after ploughing through weeks of work without any care for my soul and my poor family. After a particularly toxic day, my wife signed for this. Even though it was short, Soul Spa helped me to see what needed work in my life - or rest. I'm more conscious of my limits now, and often turn now to check with my mind, body and spirit on what is needed in the moment. Thanks, Edwina & Team."

- SH


21-22 April 2023

(Friday - Saturday)

4pm - 4pm


Lifesprings Canossian Spirituality Centre

100, Jln Merbok

Singapore 598454


$485 per pax* **

limited to 8 pax

*    Booking is only confirmed upon payment made and is transferrable.

**  Price includes

  • one night's accommodation at Lifesprings Spirituality Centre

  • three main meals & light refreshments

  • specially curated treats for body & soul to facilitate deep rest.


Cancellation policy:

50% refund for cancellations up to 10 days before event;
no refunds thereafter.

OR attend the next available Soul Spa.

"It takes courage to say yes to rest and play, in a culture where exhaustion is seen as
a status symbol."

- Brené Brown​ -


Thawing the Holy

Lent for a people in winter

And God is always there. If you feel wounded,

He kneels over this earth like

a divine medic,

and His love thaws

the holy in us.


-St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)

In the northern hemisphere, the start of Lent takes place in winter, when days are short and nights are long. This gradually changes as the the earth turns and days lengthen, or lencten in the Anglo-Saxon, from where the term Lent is derived.

Lent begins in darkness, cold and desolation.

If this describes something of what your inner landscape feels like in this season of your life, 

if you feel unable to connect with the practices that used to nourish your faith,

if prayer, fasting and almsgiving

feel like impossible demands

because you have no more to give,

I invite you to join us to explore

this winter landscape, and to tend to what is frozen, hard, unforgiving, grieving or desolate with gentleness and kindness.

I invite you to a time of mercy and loving-kindness towards the parts of you that need it most through somatic practice, personal reflection and prayer that is appropriate to this season of your life.


We pray how we can,

not how we believe we should.


Itinerary for the Journey

Beginning where I am

Online over Zoom

Shrove Tuesday​, 21 Feb 2023

8 - 9 p.m.

Guided somatic process and practice to gently attune to your body,

the Temple of the Holy Spirit,

to explore how you might be invited to live Lent this year.

Deepening: Mid-season check-in

In-person Labyrinth Experience

Saturday, 18 Mar 2023

7.30 - 9.30 a.m.

Lifesprings Canossian Spirituality Centre

Using the ancient contemplative tool,

the labyrinth,

for an embodied experience of the inner journey thus far

and to sense the way forward.

Integration: When the holy thaws

Online over Zoom

Holy Wednesday, 5 Apr 2023

8 - 9 p.m.

Guided reflection and somatic process to integrate lived experience, understanding and relationship with self, others and God.


Participants will have access to the  recordings for the online sessions so those who cannot attend the sessions live will be able to engage with the material in their own time.

Online sessions do not include small group sharing. 

Cost: $200 per pax

Please note that your booking is confirmed only upon payment received.

Cancellation policy:

50% refund before 12 Feb 2023.

No refund thereafter.

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