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Soul Tending


Why seek Soul Tending?

Soul Tending (ST) is for you if you desire to journey towards


  • greater friendship with and respect for your body, mind and spirit

  • to approach with reverent curiosity your bodily sensations, habitual thoughts and myriad feelings...
    or the lack of them

  • to recognise and discern the invitation of God in this season of your life where perhaps what used to nourish or anchor your faith in the past now no longer feeds you

  • a deeper awareness of and relationship with God in all things within and without

  • a more integrated life that honours self, the other and God.


A ST session may be 60, 75 or 90 minutes in duration.

The first session is exploratory in nature, where we get a sense of 'fit' and discern if what I offer is what you are seeking at this time.


If we proceed beyond the initial session, we begin a Soul Tending Journey (STJ), a commitment to 3 ST sessions over the course of four months. At the end of an STJ we will discern together and you will have the option of closing the journey or of continuing with another run.


© 2022 Anam Cara Ministries

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